Re: MD Tsunami Disaster

From: Phaedrus Wolff (
Date: Thu Jan 06 2005 - 22:26:22 GMT

  • Next message: Phaedrus Wolff: "Re: MD Tsunami Disaster"

    Anthony)However, I am prepared to send you or anyone else on MOQ Discuss a
    copy of the thesis - till the end of this month - in return for a
    contribution of whatever they can afford towards the Tsunami disaster via
    directly donating to whatever Aid agency that they see fit. Just send me an
    e-mail to me requesting the thesis with brief details of your contribution
    (i.e. amount and organization donated to) and I'll send out the thesis to
    you by return e-mail.

    Chin)Now there is a definition of Quality.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Ant McWatt" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 8:45 AM
    Subject: MD Tsunami Disaster

    > Hampday said:
    > Hi Paul, and welcome back!
    > I've been hanging in here, quietly awaiting your Pirsig exposition which
    > now apparently been preempted by your collaboration on Anthony McWatt's
    > thesis. Since that appears to be available only as purchased hard copy,
    > somewhat confused as to precisely what new insight is available and where
    > may be found.
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Dear Hampday,
    > I hope your participation in MOQ Discuss over the last six months has
    > useful for your work in essentialism.
    > I note your recent request for a formal exposition of the MOQ which was
    > never the plan of Pirsig's (due to the ineffable nature of some of the
    > truths that he hoped to elucidate) though my PhD thesis is an attempt to
    > provide an expanded formal exposition of his philosophy on the lines of
    > SODV paper. To make it clear, the thesis (which Paul Turner kindly
    > a "fantastic piece of work") is presently only available at $30 as an
    > from my website at
    > However, I am prepared to send you or anyone else on MOQ Discuss a "free"
    > copy of the thesis - till the end of this month - in return for a
    > contribution of whatever they can afford towards the Tsunami disaster via
    > directly donating to whatever Aid agency that they see fit. Just send me
    > e-mail to me requesting the thesis with brief details of your contribution
    > (i.e. amount and organization donated to) and I'll send out the thesis to
    > you by return e-mail.
    > Best wishes,
    > Anthony McWatt
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