Re: MD The Long & Winding Road

From: Charles Roghair (
Date: Mon Jan 17 2005 - 16:56:01 GMT

  • Next message: Ian Glendinning: "MD Re: Love plus Freedom equals Trust"


    On Jan 17, 2005, at 7:15 AM, Platt Holden wrote:

    > Hi All,
    > I must say I'm flattered to be the center of so much attention
    > recently,
    > illustrating I suppose that my conservative political views are not
    > welcome by some who contribute to this site. This seems rather odd
    > since
    > those on the opposite side of the political spectrum often speak of
    > their
    > love, caring, and compassion towards all, not to mention their
    > tolerance
    > and sensitivity to the thoughts and feelings of others.
    > But such hypocrisy isn't my main concern. Rather it is the lack of
    > cogent
    > argument against views that some find wrongheaded. Time and again I've
    > had
    > to point out the ad hominem nature of many responses to my questioning
    > of
    > leftist ideas, and lately there have been appeals to such authorities
    > as a
    > singing group called the Beatles and a comedian named Bill Hicks. To
    > reply
    > in kind by following this line of argument I could legitimately cite
    > the
    > musings of Snoop Doggy Dog and Jackie Mason. From there the debate has
    > nowhere to go but down.
    > Another frequently used form of argument is to accuse me (and anyone
    > who
    > suggests the possibility of an intelligence that transcends man) of
    > fear
    > mongering while simultaneously stating the dire consequences that will
    > befall us by allowing God-fearing conservatives to exercise political
    > power.
    > Another technique is to use a singular occurrence of anecdotal
    > evidence to
    > prove a point (When I was sick socialized medicine saved my life.)
    > while
    > ignoring evidence compiled by a broad range of study. (The NHS has a
    > severe shortage of capacity, directly costing the lives of tens of
    > thousands of patients a year. Source: The Guardian.)
    > Finally, there's the implication, sometimes obviously stated, that if
    > your
    > political view isn’t leftist, you certainly aren't qualified to be
    > admitted to the intellectual level, a status reserved for properly
    > educated individuals or for those with sufficiently large hearts to
    > understand the wisdom of robbing rich Peter to rescue poor Paul from
    > the
    > consequences of his bad decisions. Being nonjudgmental of others
    > (amoral)
    > is considered highly moral by leftists (never mind the contradiction) ,
    > unless of course the person in question is a conservative.
    > None of this makes a wit of difference when it comes to interpreting
    > Pirsig's metaphysics. Being an avowed atheist, Pirsig's supports those
    > deny any role of God in the affairs of man. Being in favor of free
    > markets, he supports those who believe capitalism on balance is more
    > conducive to the pursuit of happiness than socialism. Other than that,
    > his
    > politics is not known in any detail. We do know that he attributes some
    > social problems to a lack of moral standards, especially among the
    > intellectual elite who are wed to the SOM paradigm.
    > In any case, I appreciate the undeserved attention, but hope we can
    > continue debating issues of interest without getting personal. After
    > all,
    > it's the ideas, not whose ideas they are, that counts.
    > Best,
    > Platt
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