Re: MD Richard Loggins Request

From: Richard Loggins (
Date: Wed Jan 19 2005 - 00:49:07 GMT

  • Next message: Ant McWatt: "MD Understanding Quality And Power"

    No need to feel sorry for me, dear sir, as it all goes to a good cause and the pastry, was, besides being very tiny, very good. Thank you for your project. - Rich

    Ant McWatt < > wrote:Richard Loggins stated January 17th:

    >Hello Mr. McWatt,
    >I overpaid for a small, ne'er tiny, sesame-seed pastry from the Asian
    >American Society members where I work, the profits of which will be
    >funnelled to other disaster relief agencies for the Tsunami victims. Please
    >may I have your thesis?
    >Thank you.

    Dear Mr Loggins,

    I was very sorry to hear that you overpaid for a sesame-seed pastry at your
    local Asian American Society especially with your good self being a
    mathematics teacher who should be able to count a high quality standard
    without problem.

    As such, a copy of the thesis will therefore be sent out to you as a matter
    of urgency. I think the sections on meditation will prove especially useful
    by increasing your mindfulness when conducting future numerical

    Yours sincerely,

    Anthony McWatt

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