Re: MD The Long & Winding Road

From: Arlo Bensinger (
Date: Wed Jan 19 2005 - 20:47:36 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD The Long & Winding Road"

    > > But don't
    > > expect conservatives to admit to power entrenched expansive government,
    > > their entire platfor depends on convincing you that they are
    > > "pro-individual". And they'll smile while taking away your individual
    > > freedoms. Very, very Goebbelian. He would be quite proud.
    >Yet another example of leftist argument based on ad hominem slander,
    >called by Pirsig "a form of evil."

    I didn't realize "ad hominem" was a "leftist" argumentative technique. How
    impressive that only "liberals" use it.

    Notice two key elements, though: (1) this is in no way an "ad hominem"
    attack, it is recognizing that historical similarity exists between the
    rhetorical tactics employed by the neocons, and the propaganda tactics
    described by Goebbels. (2) This response shifts focus from the undisputable
    point, that "conservative" government is as intrusive and expansive and the
    so-called "liberals" Platt derides. The fact that they "say" they favor
    less government and "individual responsibility" is meaningless.


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