RE: MD newsflash: it's all a con

From: Nick Clair (
Date: Tue Jan 25 2005 - 14:14:40 GMT

  • Next message: Ant McWatt: "MD Newsflash: it's all a con"

    Now you're scaring me Gav

    You're right. For thousands of years they could convince us that we need
    masters. It doesn't sound as hard as you think it would be. All you have to
    do is convince one generation and they will pass it down to their children
    and their children and so on.

    When you are a child you are constantly looking at things and trying to
    figure out your own reality. Your parents, friends, teachers, and everyone
    else in your environment help you understand that reality by explaining
    things to you. Anything that you "know" but didn't figure out for yourself
    was told to you somewhere down the line and you believed it.

    If someone has the power to trick us into thinking we need rulers then they
    can do a lot more than that. History is just told to us. I have no personal
    evidence that any history, even my own memories, really existed. All I can
    be sure of is this very moment. And I can't even be sure of that because I'm
    relying on my senses to explain it to me. If they decided to lie or
    misinterpret then my reality may be false.

    I have to trust someone sometimes or else I'll just sit in my room looking
    around trying to decided what is really there and what isn't. I trust my
    senses then I start trusting the people who build my reality.

    Africa, for example, is a very "real" part of my world, part of my reality.
    I walk around every second of every day with a firm belief that Africa
    exists. How can I be so sure if I've never been there or seen it? People
    tell me it's there then they prove it by showing a drawing with a large
    green blob is labeled "Africa" and that's all the proof I need. That's all
    the proof anyone needs.

    If I told you there was a magical land of ferries just south of England and
    then drew a little map showing an island south of England labeled "Ferry
    Island" you wouldn't believe me. But I offered just as much proof as the
    rest of the world offered when they convinced you that there is a place
    called Africa.

    If democracy is not true, if the world is run by secret societies, then my
    trust in the people who conned me will dissolve. If the world lied to me
    about who really controls things then what else can it lie about? Maybe
    there is no "Africa". How would I know? I only know because I trust the same
    people who told me that the people run the government. Now I can only
    believe my senses which make my reality very small. And if I ever find out
    my senses lied to me ( and I'm not sure how since my senses would have to
    tell me that they lied in the first place ) then I would have nothing at

    If you can't trust the people who create your reality then you are left
    without a reality. That is scary.

    Have a pleasant day.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: [mailto: ]
    On Behalf Of gav
    Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 9:59 PM
    Subject: Re: MD newsflash: it's all a con

     i think i need to reply to adam and nick's very
    reasonable points.
    firstly nick:
    i wasn't just talking about 'democracy'. i am actually
    an ardent fan of direct democracy: in the family,
    school, workplace, community, but the concept of
    democracy that we are actually talking of here is
    really 'representative oligarchy', the modern western
    mode of government, which is i believe a con, first
    and foremost cos it ain't democratic (ie the people do
    not rule themsleves).
    you may think that i am splitting hairs but i think
    reclaiming the actual meaning of the word is necessary
    if we are to use it at all, otherwise we are just
    dealing in propaganda.
    so i don't think democracy is a con; i think
    representative oligarchies are a con (regardless of
    the ideologies involved).

    i had the pleasure recently of living in an autonomous
    community in southern spain for a month. this village
    of mostly british expats was more or less independent
    of the state apparatus, like the anarchist spanish had
    been 70 years earlier in the same region. for two
    years or so, in the 30s, whole tracts of spain were
    autonomous and truly democratic. no
    gods/kings/politicians lorded over them. unfortunately
    (due to the curious cooperation of supposedly
    oppositional ideologues from germany and russia) it
    didn't last and over the next four decades most of the
    radicals were rooted out and executed. strange now
    that their spirit lives on in these ex-pat brits,
    escapees themselves from the banal tyranny in their
    own homeland.

    the point: we have *never* needed politicians, kings
    or popes. to be ruled is to be a slave. slavery is
    slavery no matter how you dress it up. worst of all
    perhaps is the willing slave. doesn't the english
    anthem make you sick? 'long to reign over us...'

    now the really impressive bit is the masterful
    trickery necessary to convince 99.99% of humanity, for
    thousands of years, that you *do* need masters.
    how has it been pulled off? here we get to adam:

    there is only one way to pull such an amazing feat:
    you have to control reality. you have to have a
    monopoly on reality and pump that sole reality into
    the 'cattle' consistently, lest they start to wake up
    and construct their own. of course cracks always
    appear in this monoreality and lately these cracks
    have widened, due to the internet for one.

    controlling reality is a big task and requires a
    shitload of coordination. this is where the secret
    societies like the masons come is quite
    simple: if you have a hierarchical (pyramidal) power
    structure (and we always have) then you need only
    control the very top people in diverse areas to
    control reality. eg nearly all US presidents, from
    washington onwards, have been masons.

    there is a great site called freemasonry watch that is
    worth checking out. freemasonry traces it roots to
    ancient egypt and perhaps beyond.

    which brings me to another point: due to the efficacy
    of this method of reality control we know virtually
    nothing about our own history pre ancient greece. the
    pagan cultures and knowledge of europe for instance we
    are largely ignorant of. all we do know is that they
    knew a lot that we don't. when pagan wisdom started to
    seep back into the culture action had to be
    taken...burn them witches!

     one of the really good things about all this is that
    you start to realise that we know very little at all
    because our reality has been so blinkered. history,
    magic, science, astrology etc is all there like a new
    continent waiting to be (re)discovered.


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