Re: MD jihad for freedom

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Thu Jan 27 2005 - 07:02:06 GMT

  • Next message: MarshaV: "MD Product Placement"

    Dear Platt,

    Your 26 Jan 2005 18:01:04 -0500 post does not explicitly confirm or deny my
    23 jan statement that:
    'You apparently prefer the MoQ of "Lila", without sharp definitions and
    boundaries of levels [over that of Pirsig's annotations in "Lila's Child"].'
    You implicitly deny it however by attempting an own definition of the
    biological level:
    'life at the biological level depends on killing to survive'
    Your next sentence ('This is a "hard-wired" reality that applies to humans
    as well as animals.') implicitly claims that this definition of yours
    accords with my Pirsig-derived definition that biological patterns of value
    (or life) should be 'hard-wired', configured by DNA.
    You then claim:
    'I can distinguish between those who employ biological behavior to attain
    their ends and a society which employs a soldier with his gun to combat such

    Can you explain to me how you distinguish between a terrorist using a gun or
    a bomb with the intention of creating an islamist society and a soldier
    using a gun or a bomb with the intention of protecting a democratic society
    using your definition? Can you explain your implicit claim that terrorist
    behaviour (by definition: ruling/attaining ends by creating fear) is
    configured by DNA?

    I don't know enough about President Johnson's "Great Society" to judge to
    what extent it really failed, as you and Joe Klein claim and if so, why. I
    take 'throwing money at urban problems' to mean 'spending money with the
    intention to reduce urban problems in a way that is not well thought out
    (e.g. how to avoid unintended consequences)'. Of course there are good and
    bad ways to use tax money against urban problems. The Dutch social security
    system is certainly more sophisticated and better able to avoid unintended
    consequences than Johnson in his time. I mentioned before the 'social-fiscal
    number' one needs in the Netherlands to be entitled to most government
    supported services (social benefits, proper health care, secondary education
    etc.). People who claim social benefits because they cannot work need
    medical support of that disability by medics officially appointed for that
    purpose. People who want unemployment benefits have to make efforts to find
    work and prove that they do. If their efforts have no effect, they can be
    obliged to take courses that better qualify them for other work or to accept
    the work the social security officials directs them to. Etc.
    Both carrots and sticks to counter urban problems require tax money. Dutch
    prison population figures indicate that the Dutch combination of carrots and
    sticks has better results than the American one.

    You wrote:
    'Every society must fight both internal and external criminal violence to

    I prefer to rephrase that as:
    Every society requires BOTH carrots AND sticks to protect itself against
    internal and external threaths. A democratic governemnt first tries to
    convince its citizens to pay the amount of taxes it needs to organize these
    carrots and sticks.
    If a majority supports a certain level of protection and taxes, it can
    legitimately use violence (and fear of violence) to 'convince' a small
    minority. If you, with your experience of American democracy, call this
    'extortion', one can doubt whether the USA is fit to export its democracy to
    cure tyranny elsewhere... You seem willing to pay only for sticks and not
    for carrots like development aid and social security (and you express your
    unwillingness in demagogic terms like 'extortion'). That doesn't seem wise
    to me.

    With friendly greetings,


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