Re: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic

From: Ron Winchester (
Date: Wed Feb 02 2005 - 13:00:10 GMT

  • Next message: Ant McWatt: "MD Re: Thanks & updated website"

    Hi Scott,

    I sent a reply to this last night. Hopefully it'll post before the day is


    >From: "Scott Roberts" <>
    >To: <>
    >Subject: Re: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic
    >Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2005 11:22:51 -0700
    > > Scott replies;
    > > The point is that Matt and I don't buy this expansion. It is certainly
    > > business of a philosopher to shift the meanings of key words, but then
    > > marketplace (other thinkers' reactions) has to accept it. I don't buy it
    > > two reasons. The first is that it makes the old meaning of empiricism
    > > value. With the old meaning, if I claim something, and someone else says
    > > don't believe you", then I can say, "well, go look (or perform this
    > > experiment)". With mystical experience, the "go look" becomes "go join a
    > > monastery, sit in meditation for a few years, and maybe (there are no
    > > guarantees), you will see for yourself". The difference is too big to be
    > > covered by one word.
    > >
    > > Ron;
    > > My first thought is that you can't be serious. Zen Buddhism does not
    > > sitting in a monastery for years. In fact, doing so does not offer
    > > other than enlightenment and/or awareness. This is limitted to the
    > > The average everyday family man simply leaves themselves open to
    > > enlightenment, and in fact, is told not to seek enlightenment, but only
    > > open to it, as desiring enlighenment can bring false enlightenment.
    > > Enlightenment simply fills a need.
    >Actually, I was very loosely paraphrasing Wilber, but my argument does not
    >depend on any particular means of gaining enlightenment (nor does Wilber
    >think that entering monasteries is necessary). The point is there is no
    >straightforward recipe for verifying a mystical claim, and I think
    >"empirical", when used to back up philosophical claims, becomes devalued
    >unless the recipes are straightforward.
    > >
    > > Scott continues;
    > > The second reason is, what if I forget to specify that they join a Zen
    > > monastery, but instead join a Christian one, and they come back and say
    > > were wrong, I didn't experience "no-thing-ness", I experienced Christ
    > > me.". That is, the variety and interpretation of mystical experience is
    > > wide. Is it empirically evident that we can speak to the spirits of the
    > > dead, since Swedenborg (a mystic that Pirsig mentions) did? Why is only
    > > "pure, undifferentiated experience" regarded as empirical and not life
    > > death, reincarnation, channeling, ESP, Heaven and Hell (Swedenborg says
    > > conversations happened in Heaven)? All this and more is reported by
    > > with the claim that anyone can have these experiences.
    > >
    > > Ron;
    > > Swedenborg is not Pirsig, and Pirsig does not rely on Swedenborg for
    > > clarification of the MOQ.
    >My point is: why doesn't he? Why does he accept some mystical reports and
    >not others? I would think empirical evidence (which Swedenborg's is
    >according to Pirsig's use of the word empirical) that there is life after
    >death would be of great relevance to a discussion of morality. (Please note
    >that I am not expressing an opinion on the matter of whether there is life
    >after death or not. I am questioning the use of the word "empirical" in the
    > >
    > > The reason it is referred to as "pure, undifferentiated experience" is
    > > because in his view, this is what it is. Everything experienced is
    > > experienced through the senses.
    >My thoughts and feelings are not experienced through the senses.
    > The reason Pirsig avoids 'Christian
    > > mysticism' (my opinion) is that in philosophical mysticism, if you have
    > > enlightening experience, you accept it, and move on. You may share it in
    > > your own words that point to the experience. In Christian mysticism, if
    > > have an enlightening experience, someone else must explain it to you,
    > > 'Tell' you whether it was a Christian experience or the devil's work
    > > your 'Evil Flesh.'
    >.In short, if the mystical experience agrees with the MOQ it is valid, and
    >if not, it has been filtered through authority or something to make it
    >invalid. I am, to put it mildly, skeptical of this argument.
    > > If you experince the pure (raw) undifferentiated experience, then it is
    > > experience. No one can tell you what you are going to experience, and no
    > > can tell you whether or not it was a legitimate experience. All anyone
    > > tell you is whether or not it fits in with the Mythos of the day.
    >The question is not what I do with an experience I might have. The question
    >is can reports of such experience be called "empirical" when used to
    >a philosophical claim.
    > >
    > > You are right in that the variety and interpretations of the mystical
    > > experience is very wide. There is no 'Ready-made', 'Hand-me-down' guides
    > > understanding the mystic; as the word 'Mystic' might lend to logic, it
    > > be known ahead of the experience itself. All Pirsig is saying with
    > > undifferntiated experience is that it is not limited to Subject and
    > > Subject and Object do exist, and they play a key role in
    > > but all experiences do not depend on an already defined S/O.
    >And how is any of this supported empirically? I'm not (at this point)
    >denying it. I'm questioning the use of the word "empirical" as
    >for it.
    > >
    > > It is quite simple if you do not allow your predetermined prejudices to
    > > in the way of your understanding and advancement in understanding of the
    > > world around you. All Zen Buddhism says is to strip these predetermined
    > > prejudices and ego away, and you are capable of enlightenment.
    >Is this claim based on empirical evidence, or is it based on authority? It
    >sounds to me like the latter. And if it is "quite simple", why do people
    >struggle for years, in Zen monasteries and out.
    > >
    > > Quality does not depend on No-thing-ness, or Oneness, or Being. Quality
    > > before all this, and encompasses all this. What the mystic experience
    > > DQ. Once experienced, it is no longer mystic. It doesn't need
    > > interpretation; it has already been interpreted. It is 'Pure (raw)
    > > Experience'.
    >Umm. Pirsig, at some point, said that he regards "Quality" as the same as
    >the Buddhist use of Nothingness, not as encompassing it, but nevermind.
    >What is your means for convincing a skeptic that the mystic experience is
    >DQ? Is it an empirically determined fact? If so, how has is it been
    >- Scott
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