Re: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic

From: Erin (
Date: Mon Feb 14 2005 - 15:41:07 GMT

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "Re: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic"

    Apparently your snorting and chuckling caused you to overlook that what I
    REJECT is the definitional CHOICE that "Epistemological pluralism IS BY
    DEFINITION the expansion of the meaning of the word empirical". One has the

    1. Restrict the use of the word "empirical" to sensory experience.
    2. Use the word "empirical" for all experience.

    Wilber, in Eye to Eye, explicitly says he has chosen (1). Pirsig has chosen
    (2). So when I say I REJECT expanding the word "empirical" to the
    mental-phenomenological and the transcendental, I am saying that I think
    Pirsig made a bad choice, and Wilber the right one. That is not inconsistent
    with accepting that other kinds of experience than the sensory are
    legitimate sources of knowledge.

    ERIN: is there a specific part of Lila or Zamm where you think Pirsig's says number two?


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