ID, again (was Re: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic)

From: Scott Roberts (
Date: Tue Feb 15 2005 - 18:11:24 GMT

  • Next message: Joseph Maurer: "Re: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic"


    Ian said:
    Who in his right mind has been working on "perpetual motion machines" - that
    paints a pejorative "mad professor" charicature of scientists, just as your
    "intelligent design" theory paints a "bible thumping conservative"
    caricature of others. (I blogged more recently about the intelligent design
    creationist debate.)

    Someone who isn't aware that the laws of physics say that a perpetual motion
    machine is impossible might work on one. Likewise, a geometry student who
    tries to trisect an angle using only a straightedge and compass is one who
    doesn't know that it has been proven impossible. Now my arguments for why
    one can't have a Darwinian account of consciousness, and therefore of
    language, are not as easily communicable as a geometrical proof. But they
    convinced me. It is basically a matter of realizing that what we call the
    material world is a product of perception. Hence materialists are trying to
    explain perception in terms of its products. So it is like Baron Munchhausen
    claiming that he can lift himself off the ground by pulling on his own hair.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "your" (that is, my) intelligent design theory
    painting a caricuture. The bible-thumpers are those that deny evolution,
    which ID-ists do not. But the more I think about it, the less I want to call
    my theory ID-like. I reject the basis of ID, the presumed calculation of
    probabilities, that according to their calculations, evolution without
    design is intractable. Darwinists, though, base their theories on the
    assumption that the probabilities are tractable. No one really knows, which
    is why both theories amount to arm-waving. (Though I suppose ultimately that
    is the case with all metaphysical theories.) In any case, the only
    commonality between my theory and ID is that neither are materialist.

    Ian said:
    Scinetist / theologian / philosopher its the same question ... "how could
    language come about from a world without language".

    Lingustics again

    Hence the gist of my metaphysics: to reject the
    language/world-without-language distinction. Everything is semiotic; our
    senses scan signifiers, not signifieds.

    - Scott

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