RE: ID, again (was Re: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic)

From: Paul Turner (
Date: Wed Feb 16 2005 - 10:27:40 GMT

  • Next message: MarshaV: "Re: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic"


    Scott said:
    Hence the gist of my metaphysics: to reject the
    language/world-without-language distinction.

    Paul said:
    What about the pre-lingual experience of infants?

    Scott replied:
    Or what about the experience of a molecule 10 miles below the earth's
    surface? That is, I figured it was realized that I am extending
    way human speech and writing.


    And if you object that I shouldn't extend 'language' causes confusion, I
    partially agree. That is why I prefer to use the phrase "everything is

    I'm not sure what "everything is semiotic" means. Do you mean that
    everything experienced is a sign? If so, does this not imply, by
    definition, that we only experience that which necessarily stands for
    something else? Is this something else, which is distinct from the
    experience of its sign, something akin to a Kantian noumenon?



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