Re: MD Linguistics (Was Kantian etc ...)

From: Ian Glendinning (
Date: Wed Feb 16 2005 - 18:04:06 GMT

  • Next message: Ant McWatt: "MD ID/Ling, again"

    I wouldn't disagree Matt.

    Classification is something close to my heart, and one place where binary
    choice is appropriate.
    Choice mind, and not exclusive - you can have you cake and eat it. No
    fundaments here.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Matt Kundert" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 3:29 AM
    Subject: Re: MD Linguistics (Was Kantian etc ...)

    > Ian,
    > "(Realist, pragmatist, whatever - the isms are part of the problem, not
    > the solution.)"
    > Nah, "isms" are simply a way of reading and interpreting. I think people
    > take the categories the wrong way when the see them as hampering
    > understanding. Categories like "realist" and "pragmatist" arise only
    > after you've tried to understand them, are part of the attempt to
    > understand, as classifying patterns of linguistic similarity and
    > conceptual work. McKeon was misunderstood by Pirsig because of this
    > prejudice against "classification." Except, what else is understanding
    > than classification? How else are we to understand unless we
    > differentiate? The problem is taking the classifications as written in
    > the stars, as Platonists are wont to do. But pragmatists don't do that.
    > They use them as a map with which to make their way around philosophy. As
    > new bumps appear, you change the map.
    > Trying to eshew "isms" is like the "end of philosophy" debate. Its just
    > one more "ism," just as trying to "end philosophy" is just one more kind
    > of philosophy.
    > Matt
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