Re: MD DQ people

From: Patrick van den Berg (
Date: Sun Feb 02 2003 - 15:22:58 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "RE: MD Wavelength reality"

    Hi Mari (sorry I mispelled your name in the previous mail), DMB

    --- Mari <> wrote:
    > > DMB says:
    > > Interesting answer. I think I'm with you on this one. The kind of
    > > globalization that we're watching is pretty damn static. I mean, its
    > not
    > > really globalization at all. Its the world wide export of
    > provincial,
    > narrow
    > > corporate values. Its about destroying a world a variety in favor of
    > the
    > New
    > > McWorld Order. You want fries with that?
    > Mari says: Super Sized. Super fast. Superman!
    > or is that McSuperman

    Free-acting corporate value-driven globalization spreads like a virus.
    Or like a tumor. Just because the extreme capitalistic society has won
    the communist version for example, don't make it right. Like the
    christian meme 'preach the gosples', to go forth and show our Book to
    others, is very succesful, don't mean Christian religion is right.

    Look at the food-industry. Fat and fast food have made people fat and
    unhappy about their body and behavior. The same food-industry now offers
    us in slick, long commercials all kind of dieet-products.
    Happilly (at least here in the netherlands) supermarkets like Albert
    Heyn start to offer more 'biological' and more healthy products. Odd to
    notice that a small Albert Heyn in the centre of Utrecht offer a
    different set of products than a big one in Maarssenbroek, only 7 miles
    away from Utrecht. Really, I can't help notice that the people and their
    attitudes differ significantly in the two areas, so little apart. Odd.

    Greetings, Patrick.

    (Ps. I forgot a 'not' in a sentence on pre-Darwinists in my previous
    mail: sorry for that).

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