From: Haydon, Mike (
Date: Wed Mar 02 2005 - 19:38:18 GMT
Let me preface this by stating that I am not a student of philosophy, I took
a course in it in college, and thought it quite unfair that here we were
making statements about what this or that philosopher MEANT when he/she
STATED THAT...........
Frankly I devoted quite a bit of time to what those long dead Authors would
have replied had they been around to defend themselves.
The long and short of it is that I have read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle
Maintenance 10 or so times over the past 20 years, have lent out and lost 5
copies of it, and am OK with that, as it is a fantastic book.
I am headed to the Dragon, Route 129 in TN/NC on June 18th, and having
started rereading this book again, had an idea.
First off I love the Cover Graphic, the Lotus Flower and Wrench..
To that end I am asking if anyone has a quality jpeg or line drawing of it.
I plan to paint it on the windscreen of my Hayabusa, and when someone asks
what it means, I will ask if they have read the book.
If they have not, I will hand them one of the 5 used copies I have purchased
off of eBay, with the condition that they pass it along. This would be the
Johnny Appleseed reference.
Inside the front cover I am going to write my email address, and any
comments I receive will be shared with the list if that is acceptable.
I have lent this book to several friends, and while it may attract negative
comments from the list, I am more interested in it from the aspect of the
"Philosophy of Motorcycling" than from the meaning of quality aspects. To my
way of thinking it is actually 2 books interlaced together, and one can skip
over the "Quality" portions or the Motorcycling portions and enjoy it
immensely either way.
<Mike in Illinois
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