Re: MD Static and dynamic aspects of mysticism and religious experience

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Fri Mar 04 2005 - 14:34:49 GMT

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD Static and dynamic aspects of mysticism and religious experience"

    Hi Wim

    > That looks like putting sq and DQ at equal height in your hierarchy of
    > values and not (like me) putting DQ highest.

    Yes, I'm aware I'm contradicting myself here. I see DQ and SQ as
    equivalently valuable, and the point is to pursue Quality. (Ie not yin or
    yang but the tao). So I don't think that DQ is in and of itself of higher
    quality than SQ. I retract what I said previously.

    > What about the sacraments? Does Christian mysticism require them as focus
    > according to you?

    Historically they have done; I would say they still do, yes.

    > We were discussing whether Quakerism or Anglicanism is higher on the
    > ladder
    > towards DQ, however, and you seemed to use ex-Quakers in your congregation
    > as argument that Anglicanism may not be lower on that ladder.

    I think that's something you've read in to what I wrote. It certainly wasn't
    my intention. I just mentioned them as I thought you might find it
    interesting. I suspect the premise of this debate (Anglicanism vs Quakerism)
    is in fact Procrustean, and I would be happy to abandon that framework


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