From: Platt Holden (
Date: Thu Mar 10 2005 - 17:04:23 GMT
Hi All,
Despite what secular ideologues would like us to believe, some scientists
say God exists. Among them, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Charles Townes,
inventor of the laser, who was recently awarded the $1.5 million Templeton
Prize, "given annually for progress or research in spiritual matters,"
according to today’s NY Times.
Dr. Townes is quoted as saying, "Understanding the order of the universe
and understanding purpose in the universe are not identical, but also not
very far apart."
I think Pirsig would agree. He also sees order (an evolutionary value
hierarchy) and purpose (evolutionary responses to DQ) in the universe.
Dr. Townes recalls that he came up with the idea that would become the
laser while sitting on a park bench. He said there is little difference
between such epiphanies, when the subconscious hits on the solution to a
problem, and the religious experience of revelation.
Nor is their little difference, I submit, between a response to DQ, a
sudden epiphany, and a religious revelation. All are out-of-the-ordinary
experiences, including Pirsig’s seeing of the Dharmakaya light which he
describes with religious overtones.
Pirsig take pains to keep static religious dogma far away from his MOQ.
But, he does acknowledge that there’s a higher power with a moral agenda
at work in the universe -- a power with a purpose that some who, with
reason, call "God."
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