Re: MD "practical" means what?

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Mon Feb 03 2003 - 07:20:55 GMT

  • Next message: john williams: "Re: MD The Quality of removing Saddam Hussein from power."

    Dear Gert-Jan,

    You wrote 2 Feb 2003 22:44:17 +0100:
    'I sometimes wonder how many people are on the list currently.'

    You can find out which e-mail addresses are subscribed to MD by sending an
    e-mail to (the e-mail address for subscribing and
    unsubscribing) with in the body of the e-mail: 'who moq_discuss'.

    I didn't check recently, but I guess that there are still about 200
    subscribers. That means that some 90% are lurkers, probably mainly because
    they don't have enough time to spare for writing, given the amount they feel
    obliged to read first and other obligations.

    I'm doubtful about discussing how to teach the MoQ to 11-year olds before
    discussing what is the practical value of the MoQ anyhow (relative to other
    intellectual patterns of value). I also think there may be a good reason why
    philosophy is not on the primary school curriculum...
    I am interested in reading about your (and Dustin's) thoughts about it, as I
    do have an 11-year old daughter. But I'll probably lurk on this subject for
    this reason. (-:

    With friendly greetings,


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