Re: MD Pirsig Institutionalized, Response

From: Matt Kundert (
Date: Fri Mar 18 2005 - 16:50:51 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "RE: MD Nihilism (Punk)"

    >I'm a little frightened by what your suggesting. I'm into spirals,
    >texture, lost edges and MOQ.

    Well, the thing is, part of my argument is that what I'm suggesting is
    already happening, and couldn't help but happen given the creation of the
    Lila Squad in 1997, even if it isn't acknowledged. And I'm not sure that
    anyone is really all that dissappointed in general about what's going on in
    the MD, about what they hear, say, learn, etc. If they were, they wouldn't
    be here. They may be conflicted given the contradictory feelings of
    antiprofessionalism, but for people that stay, apparently the will to
    inquire wins out.

    It's the nature of inquiry and it's always been this way in life and it
    couldn't really be any other way.


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