RE: MD home schooling

From: Matt poot (
Date: Mon Apr 04 2005 - 04:42:53 BST

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD home schooling"

    Hi all,

    DMB: That's my big axe to grind. Maybe I'm just bitter, but
    it seems that students have to be challenged and they need to be around kids
    who respond to the same level of challenge, no matter what else is in the

    Poot: Having pretty recently come out of the public education system, I
    couldn't agree more. While more brilliant as a youngster, my enthusiasm was
    curbed gradually by the lack of challenge. I think the public education
    system would be better, if they didn't stupify things.

    There doesn't seem to be enough credit given to the brilliance of children.
    Although Naive, their energy is boundless, yet can be focused for great
    benefit to them, and to everyone.

    Fortunately, I had the luck of having good parents, who educated me outside
    of school as well (I.E. starting piano lessons when I was 5). I would
    strongly advise some form of musical really does a lot for
    the development of mind. Go to museums, concerts, festivals......anything
    and everything , really.

    good luck (for the time being, I'm glad im not in your shoes)


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