Re: MD The Law of Three in MOQ terms.

From: MarshaV (
Date: Tue Apr 05 2005 - 14:21:36 BST

  • Next message: ian glendinning: "MD David Deutsch's Fabric of Reality"

    At 11:25 AM 4/4/2005 -0700, you wrote:
    >Of late when I hear an arrangement of a melody played on a piano or other
    >instrumental arrangement, other melodies suggest themselves to me. I try
    >for harmony, but many times I am discordant. I wonder if this is true in
    >painting also?

    Hi Joe,

    If you're looking for a more technical answer, I'd say that lost and found
    edges are a painting equivalent of your experience. Even the phrase 'lost
    and found edges' I find represents both painting and life.

    Marsha -

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