RE: MD Static and dynamic aspects of mysticism and religious expe rience

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sun Apr 10 2005 - 22:20:19 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Contradictions"

    Wim, Marsha and all MOQers:

    Wim said to Marsha:
    I sometimes DO deviate. I prefer to rename the 4th level 'symbolic level'
    -following Pirsig's definition of the intellectual level in 'Lila's Child'-
    and the 3rd level 'habitual level'. Those deviations are not relevant for
    our discussion right now, however. I don't see them as a challenge, either.
    It's rather a refinement: sharper definitions of Pirsig's levels.

    Marsha replied:
    To me, it seems that you change the language. That's confusing. I'm here
    to get a deeper understanding of the MOQ. I'm a student of MOQ. If your
    introducing your own, new and improved interpretation, you'll only confuse
    me. I will reread the two Lila chapters, though, to see if that sheds some

    dmb says:
    I agree with Marsha and would go even further. I'd say that it is not only
    confusing, but that your "refinements" are actually incorrect in that they
    contradict what Pirsig's MOQ is saying. Let's look at what you proposed
    here, for example. You say that the social level is 'habitual' while the
    intellectual level is 'symbolic'. But what is the American flag? What is a
    crucifix? They are social level symbols. And how much sense does it make to
    say the social level is habitual in light of biological addictions or the
    habitual way our minds interpret experience? See? These assertions are a
    wrench in the gears. It redraws the lines and alters the most basic

    Don't get me wrong. I'm not against refinements or improvements. Its just
    that I haven't yet seen any.


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