RE: MD Access to Quality

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sat Apr 16 2005 - 19:14:00 BST

  • Next message: Matt Kundert: "Re: MD Creativity and Philosophology, 2"

    Ham, Sam and all:

    Ham said:
    This obsession with empiricism seems to be a hang-up peculiar to Mr. Pirsig
    and his MOQ defenders. ....Empirical is a term used to distinguish
    knowledge gained from direct observation or experience [*a postoriori*] from
    ideas or concepts conceived intuitively [*a priori*].

    Likewise, Sam said:
    I would agree that the concern to make the MoQ 'empirical from head to toe'
    is a mistake. But I am doing some work on justifying precisely how and why,
    so I won't pre-empt that here.

    dmb says:
    I noticed that both of you responsed by snipping my main point, which was an
    explanation (the umpteenth one) of epistemological pluralism. If you're
    going to ignore that I wonder why you bother to respond at all. Sigh.

    Sorry guys, but all I see in your response is an anti-Modern,
    anti-intellectual, reactionary move that utterly fails to address the issue.
    Its like talking to a brick wall. I should give up. I must be insane to
    think you could be persuaded by any explanation.

    Later on,

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