Re: MD Access to Quality

From: Steve & Oxsana Marquis (
Date: Fri Apr 22 2005 - 18:16:02 BST

  • Next message: Erin: "Re: MD scientific beliefs and religious faith"

    Ham wrote:

    My point, exactly. It's just another label without metaphysical foundation.
    Quality is simply a value judgment applied to something experienced.

    Hi Ham.

    I don't believe I said 'without metaphysical foundation'. That's the bone
    of contention, right? Let me feed back to you what I think your criticism
    of Quality as the foundational metaphysical essence is and you tell me if I
    got it or not.

    If we are to keep the first cause, the 'undifferentiated' Whole, ineffable /
    indefinable / undifferentiated it cannot be assigned any attributes
    whatsoever for to do so brings us right back into the plurality of
    differentiation (ie, the realm of duality).

    Before considering Quality let's consider two other 'labels' for such an
    undifferentiated Whole: 'nothingness' (meaning the absence of plurality
    rather than 'empty' I take it) and the Tao, which means just the 'way' or
    path, a label as good as any it seems for steering our mind away from
    assigning attributes. In both cases it seems to me the intent of these
    labels is just what you intend with your immutable essence, and that is an
    attributeless entirety. If this is correct I fail to see the advantage of
    another label. So there must be more to Essentialism than this.

    BTW, I did glance through your web site and will read some from time to
    time, but it's way too much to digest all at once.

    Pirsig did insist in ZMM that Quality remain undefined. So far so good.
    But it does seem that the choice of the label 'Quality' implies the
    attribute of 'goodness'. In fact, this must be the case for the whole thing
    (in ZMM) was triggered by Pirsig trying to define his contractual duty to
    teach 'quality'. He experimented in his rhetoric classes with an intuitive
    awareness of quality (meaning what is better) and his whole quest was
    centered around 'The Good' (Aristotle supplanting the Good with the True;
    'What is good Phaedrus? Do we need anyone to tell us these things?').

    Not to mention the later addition of a second attribute in 'Lila': the
    inherent creative / evolutionary drive to higher and higher quality static

    I'll leave it at that and let the rest of the MOQers resolve the apparent
    conundrum of Quality with attributes. Is an attribute a definition even if
    that attribute is only sensible by direct pre-intellectual
    non-differentiated experience?


    The "interconnectedness of everything" is a pantheistic concept that won't
    do for me because I see Essence as a unified Whole. All things taken
    together, whether substantively or experientially, still have the
    differentiated properties of a "thing". Essence is immutable: it is the
    indispensable "uncreated" source of all things that transcends the
    limitations of finitude.

    The point behind either Wholeness or 'interconnectedness' is inter or co
    dependence. I understand quite clearly you want to get away from plurality
    cleanly, but this basic 'spiritual' concept will apply in either case. IOW,
    our points are about separate issues.

    Live well,

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