Re: MD Creativity and Philosophology, 2

From: Erin (
Date: Mon Apr 25 2005 - 23:24:47 BST

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD Access to Quality"

    Your analogy kind of makes sense when I think about ZAMM but not when I think about LILA.
    So was Pirsig being a philosopher writing ZAMM and a philosophologer when writing LILA?
    You may argue ZAMM may be more creative than LILA but that distinction still isn't clear cut---he was still being creative when writing LILA, some may argue even more creative despite "labeling" or "giving the notes"

    Ant McWatt <> wrote:
    Khaled Alkotob stated April 25th:

    >There are those who can read and write music, and there are those who
    >play by ear. The problem arise when you ask the person who plays by ear
    >to transcribe what she just played so you can send it to another person
    >to play, she can’t. You can use a tape player, but that may not work if
    >the other person is only used to reading music off a sheet.
    >One of the beauties of Pirsig’s book is that he did not bother you with
    >the music notes; he made you hear the piece.

    Ant McWatt notes:

    Great analogy Khaled. Yes, definitely a good way at looking at the
    philosopher/philosophologist distinction,

    Best wishes,


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