Re: MD Quality and the Nuremberg-Tokyo Tribunals

From: ian glendinning (
Date: Sat Apr 30 2005 - 07:53:01 BST

  • Next message: ian glendinning: "Re: MD The New Victorians"


    I was about to send a message to Horse asking if the Platt filter had
    been inadvertantly switched-off - but then you started this one.

    Powerful stuff, but despite your warning, does it not have a better
    home than MoQ-Discuss.


    On 4/30/05, Mark Steven Heyman <> wrote:
    > *** WARNING ***
    > This topic is not directly related to the MOQ though, IMO, the issue
    > of Quality is certainly involved. Proceed at your own risk!
    > *** END WARNING ***
    > On 29 Apr 2005 at 15:58, Platt Holden wrote:
    > msh said before:
    > Last I heard, Japan hadn't been moved to Southeast Asia. Would a
    > quote from Richard Nixon be specific enough?
    > "The only place you and I disagree . . . is with regard to the
    > bombing. You're so goddamned concerned about the civilians, and I (in
    > contrast) don't give a damn. I don't care.". . . "I'd rather use the
    > nuclear bomb. . . Does that bother you? I just want you to think big."
    > - Richard Nixon to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on the
    > Watergate tapes
    > platt:
    > Did I ever claim Nixon never drank too much?
    > msh:
    > No. But the tapes contain numerous similar quotes. Are you
    > suggesting Nixon was drunk from 68 through 72? But I'm not picking
    > on Nixon alone. If they were tried under the rules of Nuremberg,
    > every American president since the end of WWII would be hanged...
    > flabbergasted platt:
    > That's an idea of such low quality it requires no response.
    > msh:
    > Here's the indictment filed against the Nuremberg defendents:
    > Count One - The Common Plan or Conspiracy to wage an aggressive war
    > in violation of international law or treaties.
    > Count Two - Planning, preparation, or waging an aggressive war
    > Count Three - War Crimes -- violations of the international rules of
    > war (mistreatment of prisoners of war or civilian populations, the
    > plunder of private property and the destruction of towns and cities
    > without military justification). (msh: Now codified as the Geneva
    > Conventions)
    > Count Four - Crimes Against Humanity - murder, extermination,
    > enslavement of civilian populations.
    > msh:
    > To anyone interested, I'll be happy to provide historical evidence
    > and argument in support of the claim that, if they were tried under
    > the rules of Nuremberg, every American president since the end of
    > WWII would be hanged.
    > Or, here's a link or two to get you started in your own
    > investigation:
    > But don't take Chomsky's word for it. Track down the history and
    > prove it to yourself. Or, if you do some investigation and don't
    > agree, I'll be happy to talk about it here.
    > Thanks,
    > Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
    > --
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