Re: MD Quality and the Nuremberg-Tokyo Tribunals

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Sat Apr 30 2005 - 15:24:14 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Quality and the Nuremberg-Tokyo Tribunals"

    Hi Ian, Platt, all,

    Powerful stuff, but despite your warning, does it not have a better
    home than MoQ-Discuss.

    Maybe. But, after all, LILA is subtitled "An Inquiry Into Morals."
    And politics is nothing more than human activity attempting to
    resolve the moral tension between the MOQ's Social and Intellectual
    levels. So I, for one, see no reason to exclude political
    discussions from MOQ-D, as long as Quality is being served.

    To suggest a moral equivalency between the U.S. and Nazi Germany is a
    intellectual pattern of such low quality as to be off the scale of

    I'm pointing out an obvious moral hypocrisy, not a moral
    equivalency, which is a phrase used by people who'd prefer to
    conceal the hypocrisy.

    Also, I am NOT suggesting that former Presidents be hanged: the
    state has no right to take anyone's life, IMO. My claim is that many
    German and Japanese political/military leaders were hanged for
    actions no worse than some committed by other governments, including
    the USG.

    As for Chomsky, his support of the Holocaust denier and anti-Semite
    Robert Faurisson is all you need to know about the quality of
    his historical veracity.

    Anyone who actually reads NC knows this is nonsense. Anyone who
    reads my original exchanges with Platt, from about a year ago, will
    see that Platt has never read Chomsky, much less taken the time to
    verify Chomsky's references.

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

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