MD Probably Silly Questions..

From: Mark (
Date: Mon May 09 2005 - 00:04:16 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD the ideology of capitalism - what is capitalism?"


    Hello everyone! Just thought I'd quickly post to introduce myself and
    ask a few little questions, these are probably rather silly questions
    as I'm still quite new to this theory and not quite understanding it

    First of all, is there a clear understanding of how a humans can
    manipulate Quality? Our bodies can consciously manipulate matter and
    energy but I'm given to understand that, under MOQ, Quality is
    separate from both of these. Since people can create works of Quality
    there presumably is some way a human can manipulate Quality too - or
    is the Quality simply introduced outside of the control of the
    creating human? I presume we cannot consciously create quality, or
    else nobody would ever produce a bad artwork unless they meant to..

    Secondly, how is Quality deemed to behave with regard to social
    interactions? It would certainly explain a number of apparant
    paradoxes in social interaction, such as the fact that people can respond
    completely differently to two other people saying essentially the same
    thing, and when called on it attribute it to 'confidence', 'body
    language', 'congrence' and other things - which they then cannot
    explain. It would make sense to say that this was their rationalisation of their
    social brain's response to the different Quality inherent in the
    statements, which were identical in all other significant properties.

    Or am I getting completely the wrong end of the stick here?

    Best regards,
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