RE: MD Clearing up this intellectual mess

From: Allen Barrows (
Date: Wed Jun 22 2005 - 20:27:41 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Bo's Incompleteness Theorem"

    Hello Paul and Mike,
    I agree with Paul in his statements.
    In Mikes last thread i asked him if he felt he was close to saying the following, but Mike did not reply. The thing is, i think Paul may be moving in a similar direction to my line of thought - it is this:
    SOL postulation: intellect is an outlook (we may remove the qualifier 'special') which differentiates between Subjects and Objects.
    MOQ postulation: intellect identifies harmony.
    If we accept that intellect is the skilled manipulation of symbols, and if we further accept that skill is found in harmonious relationships between symbols, then we have the begining of an account of the intellect which has an history of patterned value evolution.
    In short, intellect is actually in the harmony and not looking at it from an 'outside.'
    SOL appears to be diametrically opposed to this.
    No matter how long i think about it, it seems to me that Bo initiates an infinite regress, which he aims to block by using qualifiers such as 'special.' I do not think Bo would agree with this, but he can not escape it by using qualifiers.
    Intellect as harmonic identifier as part of the harmony itself can open up to regress because a harmonic series may be thought of as analogous to fractals - it is a recursive structure between part and whole.
    Thank you,

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