RE: MD NAZIs and Pragmatism

From: Erin N. (
Date: Tue Feb 11 2003 - 22:41:22 GMT

  • Next message: johnny moral: "RE: MD Pirsig's conception of ritual"

    >The impetus behind the public/private split is that people in a democratic
    society can talk politics during the day, and then in their leisure time talk

    However, I do think that Pirsig sends
    >a very mixed signal as to what he would endorse us to do. I think there's
    >evidence that he would want us to take action and I think there's evidence
    >that he would enjoy sitting around discussing ideas and literature and
    >different walks of life like any bourgeois intellectual would.

    Erin: well it's 5 PM eastern time so I can
    now talk metaphysics lol.
    No seriously the only question I have for you
    is why is it okay if Rorty asks us to do
    both but contradictory if Pirsig suggests both?

    >Give blood
    >Volunteer in your community
    >Run for office
    >Write letters to the editor on issues of importance to you
    >Sit on your coach and watch E! or MTV
    >Eat until you're monolithic and unwieldy
    >Mow my lawn
    >Join the military and participate in Bush's messianic vision of Pax
    >Emmigrate to Iceland and watch the calamity from the comfort of a hot
    >Go to Brazil and dance, drink and fuck yourself limp
    >Learn to tap dance
    >Write a book
    >Live your life.
    >I honestly am stumped for what you're looking for. I'm finding it hard
    >to believe that someone as outspoken, imaginitive and combative as you
    >has a hard time finding ways to pass the time or struggles to stand for
    >your convictions.
    >Choose Thyself. And it so choosing, choose for all mankind.

    Erin: ROTFLMAO. Until hearing the call to action, it never occurred
    to me to participate in such activities lol.
    How is talking about metaphysics here
    interfering with these actions?
    So the "call for action" hype is about doing these
    kind of things? Where does metaphysics lead
    you off the path of "learning to tap dance" AKA
    the road less travelled.
    I was imagining something bigger or something
    thats not already being done I guess.
    So basically this "call for action" lecture
    boils down to keep on doing what you do?

    P.S. Was that offer to mow your lawn sincere or
    are you a big tease?
    I always felt I could make a difference
    in the world if I could just have access
    Kevin's riding lawn mower either..
    I want to do it the hard way to symbolically
    represent the struggles of modern day
    yard owners.


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