Re: MD Our Immoral Supreme Court

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Wed Jun 29 2005 - 14:25:08 BST

  • Next message: "MD MOQ in time and space"

    On 29 Jun 2005 at 14:46, ian glendinning wrote:

    Arlo said of Platt ...
    "I find it odd you place the blame on liberals"

    Really ? I don't.
    Why another thread about Platt's politics ?
    (Rather than morals and values.)

    Because the credibility of this list takes a hit every time a faux
    philosopher is allowed to post unsupported, immoral, and valueless
    nonsense without challenge,

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

    InfoPro Consulting - The Professional Information Processors
    Custom Software Solutions for Windows, PDAs, and the Web Since 1983
    Web Site:
    On 29 Jun 2005 at 1:47, mark maxwell wrote: 
    Mark: Looks like your government is a corporate entity then doesn't 
    it Platt.  You would understand this if  you read your Chomsky.  But 
    you don't, do you?
     msh added: 
    Or even if the faux philosopher bothered to read John Dewey who said  
    government is the shadow cast by big business.  TFP and the other so- 
    called "libertarians" are so far out of touch with reality they think 
     the shadow exists on its own. 
    The concept of eminent domain has taken a business-inspired 
    surrealistic shift, that's for sure.  The original idea was to  
    acquire land for the  public good, that is, to move private land into 
    public hands for the  benefit of the community as a whole.  Now it's  
    about taking land from one private party and giving it to another  
    just because the second party will generate more profit from it.  
    However, don't expect such eminent domain issues to arise  in Malibu  
    or Brentwood or the Hamptons.  And lemme know when the government  
    decides to take Bill Gate's house in order to build a public school  
    or park or library.  Now THAT would be an interesting development. 
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