Re: MD Our Immoral Supreme Court

From: mark maxwell (
Date: Mon Jul 04 2005 - 00:12:57 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD The Carousel of Faux Philosophy"

    Hi Mark M, Anthony:


    Platt: 7-3-05
    Perhaps. But I think if you make a statement about
    what Pirsig says you ought to be able to back it up
    with a quotation from his work.

    > From Anthony's PhD thesis:
    > '...Pirsig... ...employs (an ontology) underpinned
    > value based events...
    > Mark 2-7-05:
    > Ontology means, 'what exists' and Human beings
    > 'exists.' So people are events.
    > From Anthony's PhD thesis:
    > ...These Quality events (or
    > processes), therefore, obtain the status as the
    > fundamental units or ‘primitives’ of the
    > universe...

    Not to be picky, but quoting Anthony is not the same
    as quoting Pirsig.

    Mark 3-7-05:
    Well now, Anthony was fortunate enough to be able to
    have Pirsig's comments upon his work before it was
    The title of Anthony's thesis is, 'A critical analysis
    of the MOQ' so it is a thoughrough academic enquiery
    at the thinking behind, inside, and to some extent to
    one side of everything that went into ZMM, Lila and
    SODV plus years of personal Pirsig correspondance.
    No, not the same as quoting Pirsig but i do feel to
    are stretching picky to put it mildly. ;-)

    for your conclusion, I disagree that human beings are
    characterized by
    Pirsig as Quality events and "primitives of the

    Mark 3-7-05:
    This is not an entirely new suggestion. However, the
    MOQ is new in that the events are evolving value
    The primitives spoken of here are the basic 'things'
    in the universe. The universe is not made of 'things'
    but events.
    Now Humans are a long way down the evolutionary road,
    so they are incredibly sophisticated events.

    Think back to the 'nothing is ever the same' argument?
    The MOQ deals with this by placing value at the centre
    of events.


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