Re: MD MOQ in time and space

Date: Fri Jul 08 2005 - 12:38:18 BST

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "RE: MD The London Bombing: Checking on MOQers"

    Ham, something that just came to mind,

    You said:
    >Just remember that time/space exists as a phenomenon in physical reality.
    >Hence, the ontology you come up with must include a plausible explanation of
    >how it got here.

    Back to my 'fomula', If A is not limited in either time or space (so at no time and at no place there exist not-A) then we are not able to experience A.

    Neither Time nor Space are limited in Time or Space, so they're not part of our experienced reality (duality). Also in unity neither of them exists, because unity is undifferentiated in every way. Therefor I say again, time and space do not exist.

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