Date: Sat Jul 16 2005 - 05:47:01 BST
Greetings Matt --
> Somebody (Arlo?) quoted Pirsig:
> "These fill the collective consciousness of all communicating mankind.
> Every last bit of it."
> Ham asked:
> I have two questions concerning this statement:
> 1) What does "collective consciousness" have to do with any of the
> "analogues" previously quoted?
> 2) Why did Matt Kundert insist to me that he'd never seen the term and
> no idea what it meant? (I guess Matt will have to answer that one.)
Oops! -- Sorry, Matt. Wrong identity. After checking back through my
Outlook Express log, I discovered that it was Paul Turner who denied knowing
what "collective consciousness" was. Although it was the "Primary Reality"
thread, I had alluded to the usage of this term in New Age philosophy on the
assumption that RMP was suggesting a similar concept..
Here's the dialogue in which "collective consciousness" was mentioned.
Paul, 6/7/05:
> No, although I don't know what you could mean by "collective
> consciousness." I'm just talking about conventional recording of time
> with respect to pre-historical evolution, the application of approved
> radioactive dating methods.
Ham, 6/7/05:
> Yes, I know what a consensus means. What I asked was
> why we need one to form a personal belief system.
> Do YOU know what a "collective consciousness" means?
Paul's reply, 6/9/05:
> No.
Paul also denied knowing its meaning in a later post to Platt which was
deleted from my file.
I apologize for the error, Matt. (If Paul is listening in, maybe he'll
explain why he missed this term in ZMM.)
Anyway, I enjoyed your exposition on Pirsig's "cultural" meaning of the
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