Re: MD Who's been asked to Leave?

From: Erin (
Date: Sun Jul 17 2005 - 04:47:36 BST

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "Re: MD Theism, Non-Theism, Anti-Theism, Nihilism"

    msh 7-16-05:
    Now, your post was obviously referring to someone, so please provide
    attributed quotes supporting your claims that members have been asked
    to leave the forum because they disagree with Pirsig, and that
    "people will complain about the dogmatic, appeal to authority
    attitudes of religous people while promoting that very attitude

    ERIN: I did send it like 8 times by now and not sure if it will come through. I tried splitting it up to see if it helps it gettting through so you only got the first half.

    msh 7-16-05:
    I suggest that, if you read carefully rather than skim say the last
    15 or so posts in the Moral Society thread, you'll see that I have
    been trying to push the discussion beyond bickering, and have met
    with nothing but evasion. I've answered all questions asked of me
    with no substantive response to questions I've asked in return. The
    evidence is there, if you choose to review it.

    Erin: Why should I focus my attention on an unproductive conversation?

    msh 7-15-05:
    For me, the ideas expressed by ignorant reactionaries like Vogel,
    and right-wingers in general, are so easy to expose as foolish, it's
    a pleasure to keep them (the right-wingers) around. Truth comes out,
    and Quality is served.

    erin 7-16-05:
    see I don't get is talked about how it is more helpful to
    stick to issues than to this right-leftpartykind of crap....yet you
    continue to do it.

    msh 7-16-05:
    In the paragraph above, I use the expression "right-wingers" as
    shorthand for an easily identifiable political agenda. If you read
    my detailed posts in political discussions, you'll see that I deal
    exclusively with ideas and don't talk right-left at all. In fact,
    I''ve often said that the left-right, lib-con false dichotomy is a
    red-herring to distract us from meaningful discussion. But, to see
    this, you need to read, not skim, my posts.

    ERIN: I don't really understand your distinction.

    erin 7-16-05:
    AlsoI know you want to lump me into the conservative 3 group and
    thus not get to know me as an individual but insteadjust generically
    applystupid little political stereotypes .....but last presidential
    election i voted democratic and the one before that I voted for
    Nader. You don't know anything about me so please stop trying to
    make assumptions about me because your horrible at it.

    msh 7-16-05:
    a) I've drawn no conclusions about your political beliefs. As far as
    I've seen, your posts contain no argument or evidence for a position
    of any kind. b)Mostly, you ask questions, get careful thoughtful
    responses from people who clearly understand your question, then
    write back saying "That's not what I mean," then ask the same
    question, again.

    ERIN: a) LOL ok Mark I would bet a lot of money that is a bunch of B.S. let's just put it that way.....just by reading your posts to me I could tell you assumed I was a conservative....the last post where you tried to lump your three conservatives together only further confirmed. b) your second part doesn't really go with the first...I don't post on political topics here so I don't know what you are talking about

    msh 7-16-05:
    I'd be interested to know what you find respectful in the way he has
    handled my arrogance in the last 10 or so posts.

    ERIN: I just think he is more tolerant of beliefs he doesn't agree with than you are ones that you don't agree with.... I am sorry you don't see your own arrogance but how am I supposed to point out a condescending tone of a post? I never got the impression that he was trying to control your or anybody's political beliefs but I got that impression with you at times.



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