Re: MD Collective Consciousness

From: Matt Kundert (
Date: Wed Jul 20 2005 - 20:37:17 BST

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "Re: MD Materialism and DQ"


    Arlo said:
    I don't read this as "intellect is molded by social culture". I read this
    that "intellect" is an emergent construct founded entirely within the
    analogues of a culture's mythos. This may be nitpicking, but phrased the
    other way it suggests that intellect is an "objective" outside entity that
    is acted upon by social pressures.

    Absolutely right. That's why I've been after the social/intellectual
    distinction for some time now. I think the distinction gets Pirsig into
    trouble and is one of the things that turns him into a crypto-essentialist.
    In fact, I'd go you one further: I'm not even sure what "intellect" is that
    is an "emergent construct." I'm not sure what this "logos" is, this
    "mythos-turn-logos-though-still-mythos" as Pirsig puts it. I'm not sure
    that the creation of philosophy, which is what everyone is talking about
    with different names, logos, intellect, S/O distinction, reason, symbol
    manipulation, reflection, whatever, was as important as Pirsig, or the
    philosophical tradition as a whole, thinks it is. I think the important
    thing happening in Greece at the time was the creation of democracy. And,
    one will notice, the creation of Greek--a.k.a. _Platonic_--philosophy, to
    which we are all footnotes, was in a strong, important way, a reaction
    _against_ democracy. Plato saw the most virtuous, excellent, successful man
    who ever lived, his teacher, his master, mentor, surrogate father,
    inspiration for all, killed--and he never wanted that to be able to happen
    again. So he created the Republic. But even more, he created theory--that
    which attempts to enslave everything in its path, be it politics, knowledge,
    or art--the type of intellectualizing that Pirsig reacts against in ZMM and


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