Re: MD Intellect as Consciousness

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Sun Jul 24 2005 - 12:37:34 BST

  • Next message: MarshaV: "MD The Metaphysics of Quality Books"

    > You replied:
    >> All in due time. But to peak curiosity (or is it peek?), consciousness
    >> surrounds the quantum field as evidenced by the act of observation
    >> causing
    >> quantum potentials to become manifest to create our world.
    >> (Hopefully, Ian will have something to say about that.)
    > Your syntax is impeccable as always, Platt. It's "peak" (from the French
    > *apeak*, meaning 'to hold vertically'), and Websters Collegiate definition
    > is: "to reach a maximum, [as] to cause coming to a peak."

    Actually it's 'pique', the sense meaning to provoke or arouse, from the
    French 'piquer' to prick or sting.


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