Re: MD Racist Remarks

From: Arlo J. Bensinger (
Date: Fri Jul 29 2005 - 04:35:32 BST

  • Next message: Arlo J. Bensinger: "Re: MD Racist Remarks"

    Greetings Bo,

    Thanks for the kind words. :-)

    [Arlo previously]
    > > What I mean is that the so-called "terrorists" aren't "biological",
    > > any more than an American soldier is "biological". What IS biological
    > > are the actions of the individuals. A "suicide bomber" may be driven
    > > by intellectual or social goals,

    [Bo asked]
    > However when it comes to "intellectual goals" I wonder where you
    > see that component? Until that is established I say no more.

    I'm just speaking generally, of course, hence the use of "may be driven".
    Although, I might make the argument that "self-determination" is an
    intellectual pattern, that underpins a lot of anti-West resentment.

    Most likely, it is primarily about preserving static social patterns. Ours, and
    theirs. Which is why I've called this in the past a social-social conflict. As
    I've said to Erin, to call their side "biological" and ours "social" is a gross
    distortion done for hegemonic purposes.


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