Re: MD how do intellectual patterns respond to Quality?

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Tue Jul 26 2005 - 14:55:00 BST

  • Next message: Arlo J. Bensinger: "Re: MD Someone said..."

    Hi Platt, Reinier,

    Thanks for the initial responses. But first a clarification. What I am
    asking for is the equivalent of 'natural selection' at the intellectual
    level. In other words, at the biological level a particular pattern of DNA
    will either reproduce or not. Over time that relative success in
    reproduction is what will establish the Quality of the pattern of DNA. So I
    want to know how to understand the 'natural selection' of intellectual
    patterns. For it seems to me that there is a particular intellectual pattern
    responsible for the selection or elimination of other intellectual patterns
    (what I called the operating system in my last post to Paul).

    Platt said: "Truth is latched because it satisfies the individual's spectrum
    of values" which I think is pretty much spot on.

    > How do they exercise preference? What is the equivalent at
    >>the intellectual level of the amoeba moving away from the acid in the
    >>dish, or the two hydrogen atoms seeking an oxygen atom for an eternal

    Reinier: This is asking why one idea is more valuable then the other. But I
    don't think the most valuable idea always wins.... your thoughts can create
    poor quality for yourself, look at depression an such. Not everyone is
    capable of producing a stattic pattern like E=MC2, this is not just DQ, but
    also brain capacity to work on thoughts.

    Sam says: yes, and what I am interested in is what makes one idea 'win' over
    another. Put differently, if all of the biological level is DNA, and yet
    there are many different species - and it is the individual animal which
    lives or dies - what is the equivalent of the species or individual animal
    at the intellectual level, if we accept that a particular intellectual
    pattern is the equivalent of a gene (ie a 'meme')?


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