Re: MD Agreeing To Disagree

From: ian glendinning (
Date: Mon Aug 01 2005 - 05:12:56 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD MOQ & Diversity"


    I definitely agree with you.

    The only slight variation (cf your conclusive chess example) is that
    agreeing to disagree should be seen as temporary (unfinished business)
    situation. A break to re-think may not be a bad thing, in fact it may
    be a very good thing, but it is not a conclusion.

    It does imply someone is "keeping score" though, in terms of
    outstanding sticking points. I was actually trying to draft a post
    about "rules of philosophic engagement", and this is an example, in
    the meantime my jumbled thoughts are in my blog. We need to
    distinguish arguments from meta-arguments.


    PS, love the range of your below-signature quotes, where do you get em
    all from ?

    On 8/1/05, Mark Steven Heyman <> wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > someone said:
    > So, unless you want to go around again on this subject, our positions seem
    > reasonably clear. That we disagree on some aspects is OK because as Sam
    > reminds us, either one or both of us might be wrong. :-)
    > msh 7-31-05:
    > Or, more likely, one is right. And the one who isn't right,
    > uninterested in re-shaping his rationally debunked opinion, just
    > wants the discussion to end. Anyone who says "Let's agree to
    > disagree" is really just asking to be allowed his fallacious opinion
    > because he really, really wants to cling to it.
    > I play a lot of online chess. One of the things required is that all
    > players must agree that a disconnect equals a loss. It's obvious to
    > me that a plea to "Agree to disagree" is just a way of disconnecting.
    > Anyone agree? Or, should we agree to disagree?
    > Best to all,
    > Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
    > --
    > InfoPro Consulting - The Professional Information Processors
    > Custom Software Solutions for Windows, PDAs, and the Web Since 1983
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    > Yorkers a chance to get in touch with prejudices they didn't even
    > know they had."
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