Re: MD Racist Remarks

From: Robert Warlov (
Date: Tue Aug 02 2005 - 16:39:41 BST

  • Next message: Arlo Bensinger: "Re: MD MOQ Society and Health Care"

    I know this is off topic, but I wonder if you'd be willing to help me
    understand something.
     I was reading your work on S/O as the highest Q-intellect (if I've gotten
    this right); or subject/object metaphysics being the highest quality the
    intellect has reached.
     This is confusing to me, because my understanding of Persigs 'Intellect'
    can be seen as that activity which allows organisms to group together for
    mutual benefit. This can be applied to all organisms (organisation). It
    seems logical then that communication or communicability is the essence of
    this activity. If this is correct, one can posit that communications occur
    even at the biological cellular level and that after a trust foundation has
    been created, the cells form the larger or more functional organism BY
    CHOICE. This implies intellect at the biological cellular level and the
    choice (i.e; agreement or symbiosis) is driven by the hope for greater
    QUALITY of life.
     Thanks for your indulgence and, if so willing, your help in understanding.
     Robert Warlov

     On 8/2/05, <> wrote:
    > Hello again Arlo.
    > Once upon a time (28 July) you wrote:
    > > [Arlo previously]
    > > > > What I mean is that the so-called "terrorists" aren't
    > > > > "biological", any more than an American soldier is "biological".
    > > > > What IS biological are the actions of the individuals. A "suicide
    > > > > bomber" may be driven by intellectual or social goals,
    > > [Bo asked]
    > > > However when it comes to "intellectual goals" I wonder where you see
    > > > that component? Until that is established I say no more.
    > > [Arlo]
    > > I'm just speaking generally, of course, hence the use of "may be
    > > driven". Although, I might make the argument that "self-determination"
    > > is an intellectual pattern, that underpins a lot of anti-West
    > > resentment.
    > My view of the intellectual level (if you have noticed the SOL?)
    > may determine how I see these things. Because the intellectual
    > level has nothing to do with intelligence the Islam vs West
    > conflict may well be a Social vs Intellect without making the
    > former into inane brutes. Far from that, but because their primary
    > identification is religion their focus is social (Khaled presenting
    > himself a Muslim of Lebanese origin, not an American of ...etc).
    > That a Muslim may have a national identity and work for his/her
    > country's self-determination does not change this. Least of all it
    > creates any resentment towards the West, to the contrary. Turkey
    > is a good example of social-value dominance about to change to
    > intellectual-value dominance, religion is about to move away
    > from the state. Now they work towards a membership in the
    > European Union.
    > > Most likely, it is primarily about preserving static social patterns.
    > > Ours, and theirs. Which is why I've called this in the past a
    > > social-social conflict. As I've said to Erin, to call their side
    > > "biological" and ours "social" is a gross distortion done for
    > > hegemonic purposes.
    > The social level is perhaps the most ambiguous one (after
    > intellect!!) in the MOQ. Western countries are necessarily
    > "societies", but they are intellectual-value dominated ones, and
    > why I have reservations about the the conflict as "preserving
    > static social patterns". Still I agree that "their side as biological
    > and ours as social" is a wrong approach, yet, the act of blowing
    > oneself up in public places must of course be treated as the worst
    > of crimes.
    > Finally. The static levels themselves don't recognize any levels
    > and intellect is no exception (an intellect that can "contain" the
    > MOQ is impossible) and from intellect seen social value is all
    > evil, it won't have any stoning of unfaithful women, sexual organ
    > mutilation, priest-run states ...etc. Only from the MOQ the
    > complete Q-picture is seen.
    > Bo
    > PS
    > A beneficial fall-out from the Muslim terror may have been the
    > IRA coming to their senses. It's as if they realized that they can't
    > compete with this. Perhaps the Basque ETA will follow suit?
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