MD conflicts: real, imagined and forgotten.

From: Ant McWatt (
Date: Thu Aug 04 2005 - 14:53:16 BST

  • Next message: Ant McWatt: "MD Truth, conservatism & religion"

    Gavin Gee-Clough stated August 4th 2005:

    >Basically it comes down to keeping
    >the 'blanket' (i love huckabees) perspective in mind
    >all the time, and realising that it makes a lot more
    >sense to treat yourself with love rather than fear.

    Ant McWatt adds:

    Just to clarify: the "Blanket" perspective in "I Love Huckabees" is the
    notion that we (and everything in the universe) are just manifestations of
    the same interconnected groundstuff as per Taoism and, of course, the MOQ.

    >maybe that’s it, maybe that’s enough...eventually a few
    >mindful individuals turn into's an
    >exponential thing, especially with the internet.

    Ant McWatt comments:

    Yes, that's the benefit of a medium whose content is hardly subject to
    corporate and government control. High quality ideas can spread without
    little impediment and is why a movement such as permaculture is interesting.
      If you grow much of your own fruit and vegetables that not only improves
    the taste and freshness of the food that you and your family are eating (for
    instance, most supermarket tomatoes in the UK are tasteless) but assists in
    protecting the environment because less food needs to be moved - overall -
    nationally and internationally.

    Food that you don’t grow yourself needs to be examined for the growing
    conditions of the produce (were toxic chemicals/steroids used in its
    production?, were unsustainable resources such as the rain forest used?) and
    of the working conditions and pay of the people who produced it (the
    exploitation of the tea plantation workers in India are a good case in
    point). Again, there’s a hundred Quality decisions we can make every day to
    slowly improve the world.

    >anyway...stay cool, be good and love each other cos
    >the ride is going to get rougher. death throes are
    >called that for a reason.

    I’m probably a little bit more optimistic than Gavin. For instance, if the
    trade union movement is looked at (say in the UK) and the average living
    conditions for the general population are compared between 1885 (pre-trade
    union era) and 2005, the improvements (certainly materially such as general
    health, education and working conditions) have been tremendous. Once a
    critical mass of people are committed to change a situation for the better,
    there’s little any government, corporation, vested interests or
    reactionaries of this world (who are just a minority) can do about it except
    use the fabrication that there is!

    Best wishes,


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