Re: MD MOQ: Involved or on the Sideline?

From: Erin (
Date: Thu Aug 04 2005 - 18:41:30 BST

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "Re: MD DQ and DM's thesis of the '4 -realms of SQ'"

    "Arlo J. Bensinger" <> wrote:
    Hi Erin,

    It's more where do you start the change? Do you focus on trying to change
    yourself or focus on telling other people on how they should change?


    When I work on my motorcycle, I am engaged in activity that will impact no one
    (mostly). However, when I add my voice to an AMA or HOG or ABATE legislation
    proposal, I am certainly impacting (potentially) what others can and can't do.
    If I DON'T add my name to legislation I agree with, likely then someone will be
    telling ME what I can and can't do.

    ARLO: This is my point about being involved. Of course, doing motorcycle maintenance
    is involved in the world. I'd never argue otherwise.

    ERIN; I never thought you didn't think motorycle maintenance was involved. But your thread title and now your above quote to me gives a sense that it is not as valued as other activities you listed.

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