Re: MD DQ and DM's thesis of the '4 -realms of SQ'

From: Scott Roberts (
Date: Fri Aug 05 2005 - 04:09:21 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD URT vs MOQ"

    David M,

    DM said:Two routes into material being:
    I-realm to w-realm to p-realm
    To give us inorganic and organic nature.
    I-realm to [i]-realm to p-realm and perhaps out into w-realm
    To give us language, society, culture, intellect, ideas, etc.

    Scott objects (assuming I corrected the above correctly):
    According to the MOQ (and I agree) there was language in the w-realm and
    p-realm before there was intellect. Further, I agree with Sam that the
    intellectual level could also be called the individual level, that what
    makes an individual an individual is intellect, the state where I think
    about things, and am in control of that thinking (ideally). So there was no
    i-realm in producing language, society, and culture, or at least no i-realm
    in the w-realm as we know it.

    - Scott

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