Re: MD Racist Remarks

From: ian glendinning (
Date: Fri Aug 05 2005 - 13:22:30 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD MOQ Society and Health Care"


    You said
    "USA is solidly anchored in - what we in MOQ-speak call - intellectual
    value. Social value's most prominent pattern - religion - is brought
    under control and has become a personal "faith" not a political force.
    thank God."

    Would that that were remotely true.


    On 8/5/05, <> wrote:
    > Hi Arlo
    > 3 Aug. you wrote:
    > > [Bo]
    > > > Religion (of the Semitic kind I must stress) is the chief social
    > > > denominator (according to Pirsig) while USA or any other Western
    > > > country is chiefly intellect-orientated. Again nothing to do with
    > > > intelligence.
    > > [Arlo]
    > > The folks who call the US of A a "christian nation" may disagree with
    > > you. So would the politicians and justicies who demand that the
    > > Occidental "10 Commandments" undergird our judicial system and should
    > > be represented at courthouses. And likely so would the people who cry
    > > heresy whenever anyone challenges the "one nation under God"
    > > catch-phrase.
    > There are of course a lot of religious sects and "societies" in USA
    > as there are in my country, that preaches the end of the world
    > due to sex and drugs and general decline, but USA is solidly
    > anchored in - what we in MOQ-speak call - intellectual value.
    > Social value's most prominent pattern - religion - is brought under
    > control and has become a personal "faith" not a political force
    > ..thank God.
    > > Even Platt has argued that Judeo-Christian "morals" be upheld by law
    > > in this country... of course, to be fair, only a very selective few
    > > (e.g., to ban gays from marrying, but not to feed the hungry or
    > > shelter the homeless).
    > Well, intellect is "out of society", thus even an intellect-dominated
    > state will have laws that can be traced back to their social origin.
    > To steal, murder and lie can never become a virtue in any
    > context, while coveting another man's ox and wife obviously
    > belongs to a certain age and condition. The point is that intellect's
    > own morals have overlaid the social ones. Stealing is still illegal
    > but no one is allowed to cut off hands etc. Regarding "gays" it
    > was such a taboo in ancient times that "God" didn't even bother
    > to ban it. ;-)
    > > Let me ask you this, according to Pirsig, much (if not most) of our
    > > "freedoms" come from Indian culture, not European culture. Would you
    > > say then that someone who self-describes as a Sioux, or Lenape, would
    > > also be "intellect-oriented"?
    > I have never really understood the "Indian aspect" of the MOQ.
    > The freedom of a nomadic culture has little to do with the
    > intellectual patterns that Pirsig lists in LILA, so in my opinion the
    > intellectual level weren't part of the Sioux make-up. An aside
    > here. How can "freedom" have anything to do with intellect if it is
    > "manipulation of symbols"? It all points to my defined as the
    > subject/object distinction.
    > > And, I'm also curious where you would place Japan and Mexico on your
    > > scale. Do they align with what you call "the West"?
    > Japan and the Far East (sorry Khoo I just mean in the same
    > sense that I am from the Far North) is another story. As I
    > understand LILA's Rt. section the Orientals has transcended SOM
    > or intellect and reached some Quality-like "level" represented by
    > Buddhism - the Zen kind preferably.
    > Mexico? Hmm. Originally that region as Maya or Aztec were
    > social focussed, all world were. Now as a modern secular state
    > with religion harnessed it is definitely intellect-dominated ... but
    > there are grades. If you now are to ask about Outer Mongolia ..;-)
    > Bo
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