Re: MD MOQ: Involved or on the Sideline?

From: ian glendinning (
Date: Tue Aug 09 2005 - 01:06:35 BST

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "RE: MD Self-Evident MoQ Truths"

    Platt, let's not re-run the biological terrorists debate - you know I
    know the difference between the levels.

    And let's not run your (our) rhetoric over squeezing interpretations
    out of a few lines of ancients texts - the intent and spirit need to
    be there before that has any value - rhetoric cuts in the direction of
    the intent, not the contained semantics.

    Perhaps rather than "bare-faced inconsistency" its the "bare-faced
    over-simplification" that causes the inconsistent swings between the
    extremes of each argument, rather than constructive debate.

    I just don't get you.
    Actually I have a theory that I do, but ... I'm weighing up how
    constructive it would be to declare it :-) Hence the remark at the end
    of the previous post.

    On 8/8/05, Platt Holden <> wrote:
    > Ian:
    > > Platt, those two things may "sound" familiar to your rhetorical ears
    > > and whatever you've got between them, but they say the opposite.
    > >
    > > The Lao Tsu quote says "work with it rather that against it"
    > > ie whilst it says "simply be" it does not say "do nothing".
    > > (I should also point out that Lao Tsu is not Robert Pirsig
    > > And the Tao Te Ching is not the MoQ.)
    > >
    > > The biblical quote says "the morrow shall take thought for the things of
    > > itself" ie something very like - don't even bother to think, it's all taken
    > > care of.
    > "Simply be" doesn't say "think." And the biblical quote says "let go"
    > because worrying won't feed the baby.
    > > And - aimed at you ad-hominem Platt - you are so bare-faced
    > > inconsistent it beggars belief. How you dare propound passive Tao
    > > acceptance in one post and line the ba***rds up against the wall and
    > > shoot em in another. You cannot be for real. In fact look out for my
    > > next post.
    > How dare you ignore the distinction between the biological and
    > intellectual levels? You cannot grasp even the basic premise of MOQ.
    > Platt
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