Re: MD Enlightenment or Revelation

From: Kevin Perez (
Date: Thu Aug 11 2005 - 07:18:16 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD Myth of the Stand-Alone Genius"

    Thanks again Platt for your thoughtful comments and

    I wrote, ", to be authentic, must be lived in
    community. The quality of
    our relationships with one another is really the
    measure of our authenticity..."

    Yes, this does beg a question or two. Because
    authenticity is a value term,
    its meaning requires a context. What I had in mind, I
    think, was the notion
    that a life lived authentically is different from one
    that is not. And that it
    is the nature of life to seek life. People need
    people. I take this as a

    I was also thinking about denial, about living in
    denial; living as if intimate
    relationships with other people don't matter. But
    they do. Our relationships
    with one another is what life is all about. If
    there's a purpose to life, this
    is it; to love one another...I believe.

    You wrote, " you point out, spiritual
    transformation isn't always for the
    better, as the world is now learning again to its

    I'm not sure I follow. Actually, I believe spiritual
    transformation is always
    for the better. It may hurt. It may be painful. But
    I believe it's always
    good. However, your standard, run of the mill change
    is a different animal.
    For example, I wouldn't describe changing one's brand
    of cigarettes a spiritual
    transformation. But quitting smoking just might
    qualify as spiritual
    transormation. But I'm not sure where I would draw
    the line.

    If spiritual transformation is Dynamic Quality then
    could your standard, run of
    the mill change be Static Quality?

    Kevin Perez

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