MD How to see Lila

From: jc (
Date: Sat Aug 20 2005 - 19:49:33 BST

  • Next message: david buchanan: "RE: MD ground of one's own being"

    > Do you get my point? It's not how you see
    >Lila--it's how I see Pirsig seeing Lila that turns me off.


    Thanks for pointing this out. You've really made me look at my
    reasons why I prefer Lila (the book). And I would say it's mainly
    for the very reason you point out. Phaedrus does not come off like
    any comic book romance hero in this portrayal. Something else comes
    across instead. Why would an author who has such serious aspirations
    as taking on an entire metaphysical foundation, start out by shaking
    his booty in a bar with a brazen hussy and then get stuck with her
    for the entire voyage? And get lambasted by Rigel for it, right off
    the bat? And whatever happened to the LAST character he was
    burdened with? What happened to Chris?

    You wait for answers that never come and you start thinking more than
    you want. Sorta like Zen, I guess. For me the experience of reading
    Lila, came after a great deal of anticipation and waiting. The only
    words I'd gotten from RMP since ZMM was a little blurb review about
    another book by James P. Carse (has anybody else read it?) and other
    than that... nada.

    So when I read Lila, I was in the proper mood.


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