From: David M (
Date: Wed Aug 24 2005 - 20:02:00 BST
> Let's do it now. I think it's high time that we resolve this ambiguity.
> I
> use the term "sensible awareness' in a proprietary sense. That means I
> consider my own self-awareness as the basis for all subsequent knowledge.
> Awareness of myself as the locus of everything I experience is unique to
> me.
> No one else -- nothing else -- can claim to possess it. My desires, my
> values, my will to freedom are mine alone. No external agency has this
> identity or the right to deprive me of it.
DM: but what about all the aspects of your humanity that are common?
We, are we not, all individuals, we have that in common? What makes us
different is that my other is the whole world less myself, whilst yours
is the whole world less yourself. We are different by this small factor,
i.e one person different in the whole world of what is our unique other.
Of course as an individual we have access to different possible futures
that we can freely bring into being (I could have beans or steak for dinner)
you may only have ham or eggs in your fridge (you could have a more
profound example). This is life, we are born -giving us a unique perspective
on all that is other, and we make choices given our unique openness to
a massive range of possible futures (I could have been a contender you
We are a point ofcontact between what is (singular & pretty unknowable) and
what can be (and most of which never is). What else is there? SQ represents
the past and order, DQ the future and the creative. Some SQ is self, some is
some DQ emerges from the self, some from the other. Seeing self and other as
both SQ and DQ shows their unity. How else would we ever make any sense of
experience and others? Is this a dualism of SQ & DQ? Not really, what is DQ
the fact that SQ appears and disappears without a trace. Take a man, mush
his brain
a bit and he is not much more than an animal, mush some more & get a
vegetable, kill him
and he is a material body, let him rot and he is reused as organic material
and then
just inorganic waste or just burnt for energy. All the complex levels of SQ
into nothing. But a pile of atoms have the POTENTIAL given a certain special
set of
circumstances (suns, worlds, water, dna, food, schools, etc etc) to become a
human being, this is what we mean by DQ, the potential SQ available to
energy. DQ is the potential that exists in the relationship of a Ham to his
At a lower level an atom has DQ potential with its even larger other of the
cosmos. A Ham embodies a certain realised potential of lots of atoms,
to reach a higher level of organisation and potential.
You see the immediate potential of an atom is X, the immediate potential
of a Ham is super-X. Potential and awareness are clearly linked. A Ham
aware of his potential is much more intelligent than an atom aware of its
immediate potential. Also a Ham's awareness of potential is less
immediate than that of an atoms I would suggest. You may have plans
for next year, I doubt an atom has. The error of materialism is that it
has not taken account of the reality of the possible/potential and failed
to recognise the richness of the bevaviour of so-called things.
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