Re: MD the MOQ conference hoax

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Thu Aug 25 2005 - 21:29:34 BST

  • Next message: C.L. Everett: "Re: MD The MOQ conference hoax"

    Erin, Ant:

    > He's been unsuscribed. (I never understood his original unsuscribing). I
    > noticed his paper was replaced by a Hicks. Thank goodness Ant is not the
    > moderator....all dissenting opinions would be replaced by Hicks links as
    > Ant's "purification" process . ( Matt that Fish line of right-wing
    > intellectuals disguised as left-wing intellectuals comes to mind right
    > now).
    > Heil DQ!

    Yes, indeed Erin. A fine example of the leftist mind at work. The Loggins
    paper wasn't politically correct. Therefore, ban it. This is precisely the
    sort of censorship that goes on all the time in the educational
    establishment today where students who don't toe the party line are
    ridiculed, persecuted and silenced. Fortunately, several states in the
    U.S. have responded to this fascist-style of intimidation by passing an
    "Academic Bill of Rights" that ensures diversity of thought on campus (the
    only kind of diversity that makes sense) and protects students and faculty
    from ideological bullying.

    Ant's blatant attack on free speech, the cornerstone of intellectual
    quality, must give Pirsig second thoughts about Ant's understanding of the
    MOQ. It's certainly affected my opinion. But, we all make mistakes. Let's
    hope the Loggins paper is restored to the website..


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