Re: MD Why the MOQ is nonsense.

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Sat Aug 27 2005 - 04:52:23 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "MD Fraudulent Philosophers (Reprise)"

    10 Reasons Why People Pretend To Be Someone They're Not

    #10) Their mommies told them that who they are is worthless, and
    their mommies were right.

    #9) As children playing hide-and-seek they were always "It," and when
    the counting was done everyone else had run off to play football.

    #8) They look in the mirror in the morning and see the back of
    someone else's head, but go ahead and shave anyway.

    #7) Pondering the question "To be or not to be" always involves a
    third, less frightening option.

    #6) Lying, crying and whining are much easier, and far less

    #5) As kids at Halloween everyone but them had Super Hero costumes.

    #4) When in bed, an ear folded against the pillow, the whooshing
    sound of their own blood reminds them of winds echoing through vast
    empty spaces. With good reason.

    #3) As themselves they charge $200 an hour for guitar lessons, but as
    someone else they are actually able to find people willing to pay $10
    an hour for guitar lessons.

    #2) Left to their own devices they are, sadly, left to their own

    And the number one reason why People Pretend To Be Someone They're

    They are intellectual limp-dicks!

    Best to all,
    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
    InfoPro Consulting - The Professional Information Processors
    Custom Software Solutions for Windows, PDAs, and the Web Since 1983
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