RE: MD Is MD a cult?

Date: Sat Aug 27 2005 - 16:06:04 BST

  • Next message: MarshaV: "Re: MD Christianity v. Islam (v. Whatever)"

    "Sam Norton" <> wrote:
    >I still think Rick (Valence) had it right in saying that we need the
    >'rhetoric of Quality' (ie using the word Quality in the way Pirsig has
    >pioneered, using the levels as a hierarchy etc) and to let go of the
    >'metaphysics of Quality' (ie all the ways in which the MoQ tries to be a
    >religious system, with DQ corresponding, via the Jamesian 'mystical
    >experiences', to God).
    Hello Sam,

    I would argue very much in favour of the MoQ as a metaphysics. I much more like the metaphysical aspects then the ethical. (Almost every ethical discussion about the MoQ on this list goes nowhere.) This is not to say I see the MoQ as a substitute for religion, far from that. Equalizing DQ with God serves no other purpose then getting the dreaded G-word in the discussions.

    The assertion made by someone about the statement 'Quality creates object and subject' is, I think, a flaw. Pirsig doesn't say that quality creates object and subject in a physical sense. The whole point is that object and subject do not exist. All that exists is quality, Dynamic (or un-valued) or Static (or valued). Well to be more precisely, only dynamic quality would exist, static quality is dynamic quality seen through judgemental glasses. Subject and object are only that, valued quality, or stattic quality patterns.

    Best regards,


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